24 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Post-Newtonian General Relativity and Gravitational Waves, part III

28 Jul 2023, 11:20
Lecture hall 0.06 (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)

Lecture hall 0.06

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Pasteura 5, Warsaw


Piotr Jaranowski (University of Bialystok)


Higher-order post-Newtonian (PN) corrections to the equations of motion of compact binary systems composed of black holes or neutron stars are fundamental to the development and success of gravitational-wave astronomy. In the series of lectures, I will present the application of the ADM Hamiltonian formalism of general relativity to deriving equations of motion of compact binary systems within the perturbative PN scheme. Both conservative and dissipative (related to the emission of gravitational waves) effects in the dynamics will be considered.

Primary author

Piotr Jaranowski (University of Bialystok)

Presentation materials

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