24 July 2023 to 4 August 2023
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Twistor methods in General Relativity, part IV

25 Jul 2023, 16:00
Lecture hall 0.06 (Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)

Lecture hall 0.06

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Pasteura 5, Warsaw


Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge)


Twistor theory was originally proposed by Roger Penrose as a new geometric framework for physics that aims to unify general relativity and quantum mechanics. In the twistor approach, space–time is secondary with events being derived objects that correspond to compact holomorphic curves in a complex three–fold, the twistor space.

This mini course will provide an elementary introduction to twistor theory leading to applications of twistor methods to gravitational instantons.

Primary author

Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge)

Presentation materials

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